Let’s Have a Look at One of the Greatest Animation Film Festivals You’ll Ever Come Across!
In the very beginning, movies used to be black and white video sequences of portrayals conveyed by actors and actresses. However, with the evolution of technology in the field of imagery and entertainment, it gave birth to a genre of movies, where animated characters sprung to life and made such an impact on the film industry that animated movies are now considered equal to motion pictures.
From the classic “Steamboat Willie” to modern-day “The Incredibles”, animated films have proven that a film doesn’t always need humans for conveying acting skills. Through proper screenplay, direction and visual effects, animated characters too, can beautifully portray emotions and expressions and can make their entry and win global accolades such as Academy Awards (Happy Feet), BAFTA (Shrek) and many others.
Being the organizing party of one of the finest animation film festivals, at Bluez Dolphins Monthly Online International Short Film Fest , we hold a keen interest in talented individuals who through their combined efforts of direction and animation, can create an animated film that will impress the viewer so much that they will still be able to relate to the characters. This is in spite of knowing the fact that the characters are nothing but simulated effects of computer graphics and animation.
If you believe you have the above-mentioned traits of creating an animated masterpiece, and if you are craving for an opportunity to show your skills to the world, then my friend, at Bluez Dolphins Monthly Online International Short Film Fest, we have some great news for you! We can help your film make its way to the animated film festivals, and thereby reach a much larger group of audience. Since only the finest animation movies can make their way to the animation and cartoon festivals, therefore, we expect nothing but the best from our budding animated filmmakers. If your potential meets the expectations of film lovers and the viewers of the animation film festival, then you are all set in establishing a praiseworthy reputation in the international animation festivals and the genre of animated movies. So, what are we waiting for?
Before Beginning of A Take, Let’s Shed Some Light on What We Need From You
Despite being a significant movie or a spectacular festival cartoon, the works of several filmmakers remain unnoticed, just because they lack a proper global platform to exhibit their craft to the world. At Bluez Dolphins Monthly Online International Short Film Fest, we believe that lack of exposure must never pose a hindrance to the filmmaking aspirants. Therefore, we extend our support to all interested filmmakers across the world. All we need is proof of whether you have the skills of incorporating stunning animation styles into an original plot, and whether you can combine it with a skillful direction to create a result that serves as a worthy selection in the animation contests, and as a visual treat to the audience.
Guidelines about Submission Rules for Animation Film Festival 2021:
Since the influence of animated films is as impactful as motion pictures, hence, the rules and regulations for animation competitions must be followed with absolute sincerity:
1) In order to be eligible, the animated films must be made either after, or in the year 2016, and must have English subtitles (unless English is the official language of the country where the films are being viewed).
2) Be it a festival cartoon or an animated movie, a maximum time limit of 10 minutes has been fixed for all animated film submissions. Failure to adhere to the time limit shall lead to disqualification from the animation fair. However, with superlative content, we do accept animation films of less than 60 minutes.
3) For animation films to be showcased at our festival and to be eligible for selection, students as well as animation institutes can also submit their projects in our platform – BLUEZDOLPHINSMOISFF. For that, we have specific categories, like category A & category B, respectively.
Once your film meets the eligibility criteria and is all set for the animation conventions, you shall receive an e-mail notification regarding its selection.
An animated character named Anton from the film “Ratatouille” had given a very important life lesson, stating not everyone has the potential to become great, but greatness can emerge from anywhere. Quite truly, it does not matter how old you are, or where you come from; if you have the power of imagination to give wings to your animation, then you can be sure that we will assist you with our utmost support and feel happy as you scale heights asa successful animation director!
The awards by category: